
Statute of the Association

Art. 1. - The "Sustinere Artes" Association is constituted as a free de facto, non-party and apolitical association, with an unlimited duration over time and with no profit, regulated in accordance with Title I Chap. III, Art. 36 and ff. of the Italian Civil Code, as well as this Statute.

Art. 2. - The Sustinere Artes Association pursues the following aims: 1) propagate culture through the multimedia dissemination of the artistic, literary and scientific work of human genius, with particular reference to Cultural Heritage and modern technologies; 2) broaden the knowledge of Cultural Heritage, as well as culture in general, through contacts between people, organizations and associations, and in particular through the telematic interaction offered by the Internet; 3) broaden the didactic horizons of educators, teachers and social workers, so that they know how to transmit the love for culture as a good for the person and a social value;4) propose itself as a place of meeting and aggregation in the name of cultural interests, fulfilling the social function of human and civil maturation and growth, through the ideal of permanent education; 5) act as a reference point for those who, disadvantaged or handicapped, can find, in the various facets and expressions of culture, a relief to their discomfort, using in particular modern technologies for remote use.

Art. 3. - The Sustinere Artes Association, in order to achieve its aims, intends to promote various activities and in particular: 1) cultural activities: conventions, conferences, debates, seminars, screenings, concerts, theatrical performances, awards and any other activity related to the purposes cultural activities of the Association; 2) training activities: theoretical and practical refresher courses for educators, teachers, social workers, advanced courses, institutions of study and research groups; 3) publishing activities: publication of a bulletin, publication of proceedings of conferences, seminars, as well as studies and research carried out, and any other kind of publication relating to the dissemination purposes of the Association; 4) multimedia and web activities: dissemination through the media, transmission and communication, and in particular the Internet, of multimedia contents of artistic, literary, scientific and cultural interest in general, for the propagation and use of any form of cultural property.

Art. 4. - The Sustinere Artes Association is offered to all those who, interested in the realization of the institutional purposes, share its spirit and ideals, such as: 1) Ordinary members: persons or entities that undertake to pay, for the entire duration of the bond associative, the annual fee established by the Board of Directors; 2) Honorary members: people, organizations or institutions that have contributed in a decisive way, with their work or their ideal or economic support to the establishment of the Association. They have an honorary character and are exempt from the payment of annual fees. Members will be able to further differentiate themselves according to specificities defined according to the needs of the Association, subject to approval by the relative Assembly, except for transfers due to death and they are not subject to revaluation.

Art. 5. - The admission of ordinary members is approved, upon request by the applicant, by the Board of Directors. An appeal, within 30 days, to the Board of Arbitrators is admitted against the refusal of admission.

Art. 6. - All Members are required to comply with the provisions of this Statute and any internal regulations, according to the resolutions taken by the bodies in charge. In case of dissimilar behavior, which damages the aims or the patrimony of the Association, the Board of Directors must intervene and apply the following sanctions: recall, warning, expulsion from the Association. Expelled Members can appeal in writing against the provision within thirty days to the Board of Arbiters.

Art. 7. - All members of age have the right to vote for the approval and modifications of the Statute and regulations and for the appointment of the governing bodies of the Association. The right to vote cannot be excluded even in the case of temporary participation in the life of the association, limited to the period of participation.

Art. 8. - The economic resources of the Association may consist of: 1) movable and immovable property; 2) contributions; 3) donations in cash; 4) donations and bequests; 5) refunds; 6) marginal activities of a commercial and productive nature; 7) occasional fundraising; 8) any other type of income, compatibly with the purposes of the Association. The contributions of the members consist of the annual membership fees, established by the Board of Directors and any extraordinary contributions established by the Assembly, which will also determine the amount. Donations in cash, donations and legacies are accepted by the Assembly, which decides on their use, in harmony with the statutory purposes of the Association. It is forbidden to distribute profits or operating surpluses to Members, as well as funds, reserves or capital during the life of the Association, unless the destination or distribution is required by law.

Art. 9. - The financial year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st of each year. The Board of Directors must draw up the budget and the final balance. The budget and final balance must be approved by the ordinary Assembly every year within the month of April. They must be deposited at the headquarters of the Association within 15 days prior to the session in order to be consulted by each member.

Art. 10. - The organs of the Association are: 1) the Assembly of Members; 2) the Board of Directors; 3) the President; 4) the Board of Auditors; 5) the Board of Arbitrators.

Art. 11. - The Assembly of Members is the fundamental moment of discussion, aimed at ensuring correct management of the Association, and is composed of all the Members, each of whom has the right to one vote, whatever the value of the share. It is convened at least once a year in the ordinary way, and in an extraordinary way when it is necessary or requested by the Board of Directors or by at least one tenth of the members. In the first call, the ordinary Assembly is valid if the majority of the Members is present, and validly deliberates with the majority of those present; in second call the validity is regardless of the number of those present. The convocation must be made with a public notice posted on the notice board of the headquarters at least 15 days before the date of the Assembly. Shareholders' resolutions must be publicized by posting the relative minutes on the notice board of the registered office.

Art. 12. - The ordinary Assembly has the following tasks: 1) elects the President, the Board of Directors, the Board of Auditors and the Board of Arbiters; 2) approves the budget and final balance; 3) approves the internal regulations. The Extraordinary Assembly deliberates on the modifications of the Statute and the eventual dissolution of the Association. At the opening of each session, the Assembly elects a secretary who must sign the final minutes together with the President or, in his absence, the Vice-President or another member delegated to chair the session.

Art. 13. - The Board of Directors is composed of 3 members, elected by the Assembly from among its members. The Board of Directors is validly constituted when there are 2 members. The members of the Board of Directors carry out their activities free of charge and remain in office for 3 years. The Board of Directors can be revoked by the Assembly with a majority of 2/3 of the members. The Board of Directors meets on average 2 times a year, drawing up the minutes of each meeting, and is convened by: 1) the President; 2) at least 2 Directors, upon motivated request; 3) motivated and written request from at least 1/3 of the members.

Art. 14. - The Board of Directors is the executive body of the Association and has all the powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration. In ordinary management, its duties are: 1) to prepare the documents to be submitted to the Assembly; 2) formalize the proposals for the management of the Association; 3) elaborate the final balance that must contain the single items of expenditure and income relating to the period of one year; 4) prepare the budget which must contain, divided into individual items, the forecasts of expenditure and income relating to the following year; 5) establish the amounts of the annual membership fees.

Art. 15. - The President is the legal representative of the Association in all respects. He convenes and chairs the Board of Directors, signs all the administrative acts carried out by the Association; can open and close bank and postal current accounts and proceed with collections. It grants members a special power of attorney for the management of various activities, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

Art. 16. - The Board of Auditors is composed of three Members elected by the Assembly from outside the members of the Board of Directors. Verifies the formal and substantial regularity of the accounts, draws up the report to be attached to the budget and final balance.

Art. 17. - The Board of Arbiters is made up of three members elected at the meeting. It remains in office for three years. It unquestionably decides, within thirty days from the presentation of the appeal, on expulsion decisions and denials of admission.

Art. 18. - The dissolution of the Association is deliberated by the Extraordinary Assembly. The residual assets of the Association must be donated to associations with similar purposes or for purposes of public utility, having consulted the control body referred to in Art. 3, paragraph 190 of the Italian law 23.12.96, n. 662.

Art. 19. - All elected offices are free. The Shareholders' Meeting may establish a remuneration in favor of the Directors or of some of them vested with particular offices. In any case, the Directors are entitled to reimbursement of the expenses incurred and documented. To achieve the institutional purposes, the Association may also make use of the work services of employees based on current legislation, as well as independent professional collaborations, inside or outside the Association itself.

Art. 20. - For anything not provided for by this Statute, the Italian laws in force on the subject apply.

Copyright © 2010 Sustinere Artes - Associazione culturale senza scopo di lucro con sede a Torino - C. F. 97730480015

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